Element configuration
Last updated: Jul 05, 2024


When adding elements to sections, datacollections, globals, etc. you have multiple configurable options. These options can be used to customize the experience or to restrict certain possibilities.


The options tab holds general information about the element.

The name is the name you want the content manager to see as a label for this element, a handle can be specified, the handle is used in your frontend file to target this element, this can only be set during creation, it cannot be changed afterwards.

You can optionally specify a tooltip. When specified an information icon will appear behind the label of the element, and when the content manager hovers over this icon, the specified text will be shown. You can use this to explain the function of this element for example.

You can set the width of the element to a number of fixed percentages. By default an element takes up 100% of the width of the user interface, but if you set it to 50% for example, it will only take 50%. You can also use this setting to allign some elements next to eachother. If you set an element to 33% for example and the next one is not set higher then 66%, it will show up next to the first. This means you can have a maximum of 4 elements (of 25%) next to eachother.

If you enable readonly for an element, the content manager is able to see it's value, but cannot change it.

You can also hide an element by enabling the hidden value. This means the element won't be visible at all. It will however be still available in your frontend files.

Some of the elements have an extra set of settings, these are then described in the corresponding documentation page.


You can also validate user input when an element is saved.

You can choose between a number of validation methods, for example: required or valid emailaddress. When a user enters a value which is not allowed, an error message will be shown. Some validation methods require an additional setting, such as matches, if that's the case, an extra field is shown to provide this value.

You can also customize the error message, by default a generic error message is shown in the language of the user, but if you want to, you can specify a customized error message. This can be very convenient if the element is attached to a form for example, with this custom error message, website visitors receive this customized error message instead of a generic one.


Setting conditions can help hide or show this element based on a set of rules.

By default an element is set to be visible at all times.

To have this element only shown when another element holds a certain value, select show if element, then you can select the element on which this element should depend and set the value. As soon as this other element matches this value, the element will be shown, otherwise it wil be/remain hidden. This can be very usefull if you let an element depend on a toggler field, so you can show/hide certain elements.

Sometimes you might want to show/hide certain elements for specific user rules, select the option show if role is in this case and select a role. Now this element is only visible for users within the specified role..