Getting started
Last updated: Mar 06, 2024

Getting started

Great to see you getting started with Webigniter!

Webigniter offers two different options for hosting your website. You can either choose to host it on the Webigniter servers, or you can decide to use your own hosting environment.

Either way, Webigniter will work flawlessly, regardless of your choice. Check out the topics below to see how to get started.

Webigniter hosting

If you use the default Webigniter hosting, no installation is required. We already have setup the Webigniter client for you.
Just create a free account and you're ready to go!.

Read the manual to learn how to create your first page

Your own hosting

You can almost just as easy use your own hosting and connect it to the Webigniter CMS.

To connect your hosting, you need to set the CMS to external hosting, if you haven't done that already, you can read about it on the manual page about setting up external hosting. When the CMS is setup to handle external hosting you can connect your hosting to the Webigniter CMS.

Your hostingspace needs the Webigniter client to start using your hosting with Webigniter. Check our integrations in the navigation on the left. Pick the installation that is specific for your situation. If your PHP framework is not listed, choose Install into PHP, otherwise pick the installation page of the framework you are using.