Last updated: Mar 13, 2024


Within the Media library, you can store all sorts of files. Images, documents, zip files, audio files, etc. These files can then be added to your site. The most common use is for images, but there are numerous other possibilities with the media library.

There are 2 ways to add files to the media library.

Using the CMS

Media files can be added using the CMS.

In order to add files to the Media library, click 'Media' in the menu. an overview of already added files and folders will apear, along with some basic data of the files.

To add a folder, click 'Add folder', and a dialogue will appear asking for the desired folder name. Folders are a great way of organising your media files.

To add a file or multiple files, you can simply drop them anywhere onto the page and they will be uploaded to the current folder, alternatively click 'Add media', this will open a dialogue with a simple upload button. You can select multiple files here, but if you would like to add many or large files, we recommend you to use the FTP method, as described below, in order to avoid upload limitations the hosting.

After you have added the media files, they will be shown immediately in the overview.

Using FTP

If you want to add a large number of files or large files, we recommend you to use the FTP method.

To do this you open your favorite FTP client program and connect to your website.

Open the media folder and upload your files, folders, etc.

You can add anything you want here, files, folders. In order to load them into your CMS, refresh the Media libraray in the CMS, and all your files are present.

Additional folder settings

If you want to add restrictions to a folder, you can toggle the 'Additional folder settings' switch when creating or updating a folder. This allows you to set specific restrictions on the folder.

Allowed file extensions:
You can specify a comma-separated list of file extensions that are allowed in this folder. If a user tries to upload a file with an extension that is not in the list, they will receive an error message.

Maximum size:
You can also specify the maximum file size (in kB) for files in this folder. If an uploaded file exceeds this size, the user will receive an error message.

Largest dimension size in pixels:
If the uploaded file is an image, its dimensions (width and height) will be checked. If either the height or width exceeds this value, the image will be resized so that the largest dimension matches the specified value. The image ratio will be preserved.

If the uploaded file is an image, you can also adjust its quality. A value between 1 and 100 can be provided. 100 represents the highest quality but also results in larger file sizes, while 1 represents the lowest quality but very small filesize.

These additional folder settings apply to uploads both via the media library and uploads through the WYSIWYG element. However, these restrictions do not apply when you upload files manually with FTP.

Each new subfolder inherits these settings from its parent folder.

Only admin users and users with a role that includes 'media' -> 'folder settings' permissions can add or edit these folder settings.

Update a file

Within the Media library, you can click on any file to see it's preview, or to alter it.

On the media detail page, you can edit the filename and the alt description. You can change anything you want, if the media file has been attached to content, it will update the content automatically using the new filename and alt.

If you want to delete a file or folder, use the bin icon in the media overview, be aware that if you delete a used media file, it will end up being broken.