Install into PHP
Last updated: Jul 17, 2024


Installing Webigniter into your PHP project is a great choice if you need a light and fast CMS and still want to be able to create custom functionality. This PHP connector can be used in a PHP framework or in plain PHP. But if you are using a PHP framework, check out our integrations to see if we have a dedicated client for that framework.

Before you start, make sure you have created a free Webigniter account, you need it to proceed.


To start using the PHP Webigniter client, download the Webigniter client and place the contents of the ZIP file to the public folder of your hosting space (usually something like /httpdocs, /public or /public_html).

After you have placed the contents of the ZIP in the root folder, the last thing you need to do is add your license key to the file webigniter.phpfind your license key and insert the key in this line.

$webigniter = new WebigniterClient('YOUR_LICENSE_KEY');

That's it, you have succesfully connected your own hosting account to Webigniter, you can start by creating your first page.


This client is written in PHP, so it can be used in all kinds of PHP frameworks or just plain PHP. If you integrate this client into a framework, it might require additional steps. Check our integrations to see if we have a dedicated client for your framework.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Sidenote