Last updated: Mar 14, 2024


In the list of users, you determine who has access to which website in the CMS. A site within the Webigniter CMS can have an infinite number of users. A user can be an admin (with full unrestricted access), or be attached to a role with its specific set of permissions.

Users can be associated with multiple websites, each with different roles. This is very convenient if you are building or maintaining multiple websites. You can switch between sites with one click.

Adding a user

When adding a user, you need to specify certain data about them. You must provide a name and an email address, both of which will be visible to other users of this site. Additionally, you must supply an initial password; the user can change this password via the profile page upon logging in.

Once the password is entered, you must specify the user's role, which can be either 'admin' or a role present in the CMS.

Optionally, you can set an expiration date for the user. After this date, the user will not be able to log in.

By default, all new users are active. If you wish to deactivate a user, you can click on their name in the user list and toggle the 'active' switch.

If you add a user who is already associated with another site (by email address) within Webigniter, Webigniter will incorporate the existing user with its own credentials, name, and avatar


There is a special type of user, known as the owner. The owner is considered the official owner of the website and will receive, for example, renewal notifications by email.

Typically, the owner is the first user of a website, but the current owner can transfer ownership to another user. The new owner will receive an email in which they can confirm or decline the ownership.

A website can have only one owner, and owner users cannot be deleted.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Adding a user
  3. Owner